Commonly used abbreviations
a.d.c. | aide-de-camp |
abp. | archbishop |
abpric. | archbishopric |
acad. | academy |
accel. | acceleration, writ of |
acct., accts. | account, accounts |
adm. | admiral |
adn. | archdeacon |
adv. | advocate |
aft. | after |
am | ante meridian |
amb. | ambassador |
app. | appendix |
appr. | apprentice |
arr. | arrondissement |
art. | article |
ass. | assembly |
assmt. | assessment |
assoc. | association |
asst. | assistant |
att. | attorney |
b. | born |
BA | Bachelor of Arts |
bap. | baptized |
bar. | baron |
BCL | Bachelor of Civil Law |
BCnL | Bachelor of Canon Law |
bd. | board |
bdle. | bundle |
Beds. | Bedfordshire |
bef. | before |
Berks. | Berkshire |
bet. | between |
bk., bks. | book, books |
bor. | borough |
bp. | bishop |
bpric. | bishopric |
Brec. | Breconshire |
brig.-gen. | brigadier-general |
bro. | brother |
bt. | Baronet |
Bucks. | Buckinghamshire |
bur. | buried |
c. | circa |
c. bar. exch. | chief baron of the exchequer |
c.-in-c. | commander-in-chief |
c.j. | chief justice |
c.p. | common pleas |
Caern. | Caernarvonshire |
cal. | calendar |
called | called to the bar |
Cambs. | Cambridgeshire |
capt. | captain |
Card. | Cardiganshire |
Carm. | Carmarthenshire |
cart., carts. | cartulary, cartularies |
cat. | catalogue |
cath. | cathedral |
CB | Companion of the Order of the Bath |
cdr. | commander |
cf. | compare |
ch. | child, children |
ch., chs. | charter, charters |
chan. | chancellor |
chap. | chaplain |
chap. ord. | chaplain in ordinary |
chron(s). | chronicle(s) |
circ. | circuit |
cllr. | councillor |
Co. | company (i.e., trading company) |
co. | county (Ireland) (e.g. co. Antrim) |
co. Dur. | county Durham |
coh. | coheir(ess) |
col. | colonel |
Coll. | College |
commdt. | commandant |
commn. | commission |
commr. | commissioner |
comp. | compiled [by] |
comp. | composition |
cons. | consecrated |
consist. ct. | consistory court |
contr. | contract |
convoc. | Convocation |
Cornw. | Cornwall |
corp. | corporation |
corresp. | correspondence |
cos. | cousin |
coy. | company, in regiment |
cr. | created |
ct. | court |
ct. | court |
cttee. | committee |
Cumb. | Cumberland |
cur. | curate |
custos rot. | custos rotulorum |
d | dorse (of membrane or rotulet) |
d. | died |
d.s.p. | died without issue (decessit sine prole) |
d.s.p.l. | died without legitimate children |
d.s.p.m. | died without male issue |
d.s.p.s. | died without surviving issue |
d.v.p. | died in the lifetime of his father (decessit vita patris) |
da. | daughter(s) |
DCL | Doctor of Civil Law |
DD | Doctor of Divinity |
Denb. | Denbighshire |
dep. | deputy |
Derbys. | Derbyshire |
dioc. | diocese |
dir. | director |
disp. | dispensation |
div. | divorced |
doc., docs. | document, documents |
Dr. | Doctor |
Drag. | Dragoons |
E. | East |
E.I. | East Indies, East India |
ed. | edited by |
edn. | edition |
educ. | educated |
esp. | especially |
esq. | esquire |
et al. | and others |
et seq. | and the pages/folios that follow |
etc. | et cetera |
etc. | et cetera |
event. | eventual |
exch. | exchequer |
exec. | executed |
f., ff. | folio, folios |
fa. | father |
fac. | faculty |
fam., fams. | family, families |
fell. | Fellow |
fell. comm. | fellow commoner |
fl. | flourished (floruit) |
FRS | Fellow of the Royal Society |
FSA | Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries |
Ft. | Foot regiment (e.g. 65 Ft.) |
g.s. | grammar school |
GB | Great Britain |
GCB | Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath |
Gds. | Guards |
gen. | genealogy and words derived |
gen. | general |
gent. pens. | gentleman pensioner |
gent., gents. | gentleman, gentlemen |
Glam. | Glamorganshire |
Glos. | Gloucestershire |
gov. | governor |
grandda. | grand daughter |
grandfa. | grandfather |
grands. | grandson |
Gren. | Grenadier |
gt. | great |
h. | heir(ess) |
h.s. | high school |
Hants | Hampshire |
Herefs. | Herefordshire |
Herts. | Hertfordshire |
Hil. | Hilary |
hon. | honorary |
Hon. | Honourable |
hosp. | hospital |
hosp. | hospital |
Hunts. | Huntingdonshire |
i.p.m. | inquisition post mortem |
illegit. | illegitimate |
inc. | including |
incorp. | incorporated |
indep. | independent |
inf. | infant |
ins. | insurance |
inst. | installed |
[I] | Ireland |
Is. | island(s) |
j.c.p. | justice of the common pleas |
j.k.b. | justice of the King’s Bench |
j.p. | justice of the peace |
j.p.q. | justice of the peace of the quorum |
jt. | joint |
jun. | junior |
k.b. | King’s Bench |
KB | Knight of the Bath |
KC | King’s Counsel |
KCB | Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath |
Kent | Kent |
KG | Knight of the Garter |
kntd. | knighted |
KP | Knight of St Patrick |
kpr. | keeper |
KT | Knight of the Thistle |
l.c.b. | lord chief baron of the Exchequer |
l.c.j. | lord chief justice |
l.c.j.c.p. | lord chief justice common pleas |
Lancs. | Lancashire |
ld. kpr. | lord keeper |
ld. lt. | lord lieutenant |
Leics. | Leicestershire |
lic. | licence |
Lincs. | Lincolnshire |
LLB | Bachelor of Common Law |
LLD | Doctor of Common Law |
lt. | lieutenant |
ltcy. | lieutenancy |
m. | married |
m., mm. | membrane, membranes |
MA | Master of Arts |
maj. | major |
mat. | maternal |
matric. | matriculated |
MD | Master of Divinity |
Mdx. | Middlesex |
mems. | memoirs; memorials |
Merion. | Merionethshire |
mic. | microfilm |
Mich. | Michaelmas |
min., mins. | minute, minutes |
misc. | miscellanea; miscellaneous; miscellany |
Mon. | Monmouthshire |
Mont. | Montgomeryshire |
MP, MPs | Member of Parliament, Members of Parliament |
MP[I] | Member of the Irish Parliament |
mq. | Marquess |
Mr., Mrs. | Mr, Mrs |
ms, mss | manuscript, manuscripts |
muns. | muniments |
n. | note |
N. | North |
n.d. | no date |
n.s. | new series |
née | born as [with maiden name] |
nem. con. | nemine contradicente |
nom. | nominated |
Norf. | Norfolk |
Northants. | Northamptonshire |
Northumb. | Northumberland |
Notts. | Nottinghamshire |
nr. | near |
NS | new style |
o. | only, other |
Oxon. | Oxfordshire |
p., pp. | page, pages |
p.a. | per annum |
par. | parish |
par. ch. | parish church |
parl. | parliament; parliamentorum |
parl. | parliamentarian |
parlty. | parliamentary |
parlty. | parliamentary |
paroch. | parochial |
pat. | paternal |
PC | Privy Councillor |
ped., peds. | pedigree, pedigrees |
Pemb. | Pembrokeshire |
plenip. | plenipotentiary |
pm | post meridian |
poss. | possibly |
posth. | posthumous |
pprs. | papers, papers |
preb. | prebend, prebendary |
pres. | president |
priv. sec. | private secretary |
prob. | probably |
Prot. | Protestant |
pt. | part |
q. sess. | quarter sessions |
q.m.g. | quarter master general |
QC | Queen’s Counsel |
r | recto (no stop) |
r.-adm. | rear-admiral |
RA | Royal Artillery |
Rad. | Radnorshire |
RC | (Roman) Catholic |
recs. | records |
rect. | rector |
recvr. | receiver |
reg. | register |
Regt. | Regiment |
rem. | removed |
rep. | report |
rep. | representative |
rep. peer [I] | representative peer of Ireland |
rep. peer [S] | representative peer of Scotland |
res. | resigned |
rest. | restored |
ret. | retired |
Rev. | Reverend |
RN | Royal Navy |
rot., rots. | rotulet, rotuli |
roy. | royalist |
[S] | Scotland |
s. | son(s) |
S. | South |
s.c.j. | Senator of the College of Justices (of Scotland) |
s.p. | sine prole (without issue) |
s.p.m. | (without male issue) |
s.p.s. | (without surviving issue) |
Salop | Shropshire |
sch. | school |
sec. | secretary |
sen. | senior |
sgt. | sergeant (military/Household) |
sis. | sister |
sjt. | serjeant (-at-arms, -at-law) |
Som. | Somerset |
sqdn. | squadron |
St. | Saint |
Staffs. | Staffordshire |
suc. | succeeded |
Suff. | Suffolk |
summ. | summoned (to Lords) |
Surr. | Surrey |
surv. | surviving |
Suss. | Sussex |
tp. | troop |
transcript | transcript |
treas. | Treasurer |
Trin. | Trinity |
typescript | typescript |
unfol. | unfoliated |
Univ. | University |
unm. | unmarried |
unnumb. | unnumbered |
unpag. | unpaginated |
utd. | united |
v | verso, dorse of a folio |
v. | vice (in a title, as in vice-admiral, vice-chancellor) |
v.p. | vita patris (in the life of his father) |
vic. | vicar |
vice | vice (i.e., in the place of) |
visct. | viscount |
vol. | volume |
vol. | volunteer |
W. | West |
w. | wife |
W.I. | West Indies, West Indian |
Warws. | Warwickshire |
Westmld. | Westmorland |
wid. | widow |
Wilts. | Wiltshire |
Worcs. | Worcestershire |
Yorks. | Yorkshire. |
yr. | younger |
yst. | youngest |